Saturday, June 27, 2009

little bit of chemistry (part 1)...

hmm.... for those who dont know chem, this post might seem a bit confusing, but there is a hidden meaning behind it.... juz thought of it when i couldnt sleep one night.... haha.... it might seem lame, but just see the parallel....

few people i know have characteristics that can be modelled by certain chemical compounds or elements.... haha, juz check this out and compare....

Water(H20)- Joy.
Although common and taken for granted, water is a very important fluid. it has a very high specific heat capacity, enabling it to absorb much heat. this causes it to be a very good cooling agent. water is also a universal solvent, being able to form strong hydrogen bonds with certain compounds, and electrostatic attraction with others.

Nitrogen Gas(N2) - Xian
Nitrogen gas is ever abundant. It is a highly stable gas which does not react under normal conditions. This is due to the strong triple bond it forms with itself, requiring a large amount of energy to break. However, nitrogen can react under extreme conditions, forming compounds which are commonly made into explosives. Nitrogen is also very essential to the living organisms, and thus sustains life.

Oxygen Gas(O2) - Rachel
The importance of oxygen is unquestionable. It is requried to sustain life. Oxygen itself does not combust, but supports combustion. It is abundant and is able to form compounds with other elements. The addition of oxygen to any compound is called oxidation. In this process, the oxidation number of another element tends to increase.

Sodium(Na) - Emily
Sodium metal is highly reactive, it belongs to Group 1 of the periodic table. Sodium loses its electron easily to form an ion. This ionic state of sodium enables it to carry charge, thus allowing the compound to conduct electricity. This is only true if sodium is dissolved in water(refer to above). Sodium metal by itself is highly explosive even if its size is small.

Potassium(K) - Elaine
The characteristics of potassium is almost the same as that of sodium. It is however a bigger atom and more electropositive. This means its tendency to lose an electron is higher. Potassium and sodium are in the same Group in the periodic table, so their characteristics are highly simillar. It is no wonder sodium and potassium are commonly mentioned together.

end of part 1...
part 2 will contain the next few ppl on my list, namely the remaining memnbers of cy3, including myself(if i can think of any)....
till next time ciao.

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