Saturday, June 21, 2008
an update on college life...
this coming saturday, there will be a gathering of ipoh peeps in kl.... haha..... imagine what a time that would be.... crazy ipoh ppl in the big city? i shudder to think what we might do together.... i just regret the inability of xian and qivin and others to be with us.... truly, xian..... sometimes we dont see eye to eye.... but definately you are the best fren i could wish for.... haha.... better get back to malaysia quick so we can go hang out.... or i could go to melbourne?? haha....
college is different, u rely on your own self discipline, rely on urself all the time.... you are who you make yourself to be.... secondary school seems so childish compared to this.... college students are not treated as "little children" but as a future generation of society.... future professionals and future leaders.... so all those who think that secondary school doesnt teach you anything, and that it does not challenge your thinking, you will love college....
hmm... future plans? stay alive.... haha.... for the time being.... i look forward to going to the smi school play though.... i think i might be able to go.... depends on the suitability of my already hectic schedule(anyone gonna believe this?)....
i dont have much to say, so i'd leave it as that... make of it whatever you want.... haha....
Saturday, June 7, 2008
a thirst i seek for....
another reason for my feeling so down and empty during NS was because i had NO access to Christian friends... wait, dont misunderstand me... I have alot of friends in NS who are Christians.... but what i truly long was for fellowship within the Christian community.... i really wanted to worship God with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.... I felt severed from the world....
the fact is, the separation from God's word and God's people are truly unbearable..... Imagine being separated from God Himself.... I shudder at such a thought.... this is what is lacking in many Christians today - the thirst for God.... thats why passion after conferences, concerts, evangelical events don't tend to last for most people.... what i'm really bummed at is, people who talk and talk, but dont WALK THE TALK.... for those who know me well, integrity has always been top priority.... i dont like hypocrites... i dont like people who say something and do another.... i admit i sometimes fall into that category, i am after all HUMAN.... but everytime i realise that, i hate my actions....
back to the main point.... the thirst for God must be in all Christians..... we must want more and more of Him.... however much we think God can give, we are always wrong.... he can give SOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE than you can even imagine.... a simple prayer a day can go a long way in your lifelong relationship.... praying has to come as a second nature to all of us.... we dont have to go into hour long prayers everyday.... thanking Him in the morning that he has blessed us with what we already have, asking Him to help you understand what you are about to learn, asking Him to grant you favour, asking for strength to go through whatever u are going through.... all these are but examples of why we can pray..... praying is not what people think it is..... to me, prayer is just the same as talking to someone.... just that in this scenario, we are talking to our Abba Father.....
imagine this.... we are all cups or containers..... we are human, so we can only hold a certain amount.... when we ask for more and more from God, we tend to overflow.... try pouring more water into an already full cup.... obviously the result is clear.... that is what our lives should be like.... getting more and more from God, and overflowing into the lives of our family, friends and others.... that is how we can make an impact in their lives..... let them feel who and what God is.... let them taste the glory and wonder of God..... let them experience God's never ending love.... our cups should be overflowing with all of these which we gain from Him...
the thirst that i seek for is the thirst for God.... with God, we are everything.... without Him, we are nothing....
i would like to end with a challenge.... do you REALLY want to thirst for God? do you want to get so much from him that you will overflow? I do.... how bout you?
food for thought....
Thursday, June 5, 2008
selling off pc....
THANKS OLD PC FOR UR SERVICE.... final words to you - SNLR(service no longer required)!!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
an old poem by me
What are they?
People who are there,
People who care,
People who comfort,
Soothe you when you’re hurting,
Even when you’re old and ragged,
What defines a true friend?
From an acquaintance,
A contact,
Or a mere person?
True friends,
Ones who care,
Ones who dare,
Put things in ways no one can,
They reprimand you when you’re wrong,
Praise you when you’re right,
Encourage when down,
Criticize to set things right.
They are willing to sacrifice,
Even to fight,
Only for your sake,
But will never forsake.
For true friends are sincere,
They want you as their peer,
To not walk along the dangerous path,
But always stay away from the rough.
They cry and weep and mourn,
When you are so forlorn,
They share your tears and pain,
Even in the rain.
Your presence gives them joy,
Your words soothe their mind,
They revel in your happiness,
And leave their problems far behind.
With you their secrets are shared,
For their trust in you uncompared,
They only hope for the best,
Trying to muddle through the rest.
True friends are like gems,
Very hard to find,
Truly sparkling they will be,
After being refined.
Refining process is tough,
A journey hard and long and rigid,
But when you reach your destination,
You suddenly feel that it was worth it.
Friendships have their ups and downs,
None of them are out of norm,
But if we never learn from them,
True friendships can never form.
For people change and times go by,
But true friendship lasts forever,
Treasure your friendships well,
Be lonesome you will never.
Friendship is like a bridge,
Joining two together,
But without proper care and attention,
Surely it will falter.
Be a good friend,
And many will want your companionship,
Do not judge,
And fruitful be your relationship.
The secret to eternal friendship,
Isn’t really a secret,
Tolerance, loyalty and trust,
All these are a must.
With each step we take,
And every move we make,
Let us be mindful of others,
To learn to give and take.
The story ends on a happy note,
If you learn not to gloat,
Through betrayal and deceit,
A great friendship can come to end,
But forewarned these actions make,
An unpleasant way to end it.
Forgive and forget a friend will do,
Cause they will always have faith in you,
But do not take forgiveness for granted,
Or you might find yourself not wanted.
A real gem of a friend,
Is one on whom we can depend,
They will always help in times of need,
Even if we don’t take heed.
For true friends are as such,
They give everyone so much,
This separates them from any other,
They are just like a sister and brother.